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Yetunde Olagbaju

is a multidisciplinary artist and curator, currently residing in Oakland, CA. Through their work, they utilize performance and emotional excavation as a through-line for inquiries regarding Black trauma, labor, legacy and processes of healing. 

By creating work that exists within and expands upon nonlinear time, they seek to: create meaningful exchange of narratives, explore methods of emotion-based storytelling and archiving.

They have shown work and projects with Oakland Museum of California, New Image Gallery, Pt. 2 Gallery, Southern Exposure, Guerrero Gallery, SOMArts Cultural Center, The New School, and Art Basel. They have collaborated with institutions such as San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Facebook HQ, Museum of the African Diaspora, CounterPulse  and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. 

They are currently co-curator of recurring Black and Brown film night, Opalescent and are pursuing an MFA at Mills College. They are also Creative and Artistic Director of There Is No Time -- a creative production organization focusing on supporting emerging Black & Brown artists.